Never touch our heater

I used to tease our kids as well as tell them that they had to diligently wear their furnace during the winter. Ever since then, they refer to their own little hats as heaters. The only way I could get them to wear a warm hat was to tell them it was just a mini furnace. Now, they are using the same old ruse on their own children. My kid was start to go bald as well as it wasn’t a very nice bald. There were some truly unusual patches of baldness all over the place, so she decided to shave her head. She really doesn’t go somewhere without her furnace anymore. Even when she is inside the house, the hat is tucked into her back pocket. I thought she was going to go completely ballistic when her nephew took the hat from her pocket as well as put it on the the day. She took the hat back as well as told him to never touch her personal furnace again. My grandson just stared as if she was a lunatic. She told him she was just teasing about it as well as it is just a stupid knit hat. My kid apologized for being so mean, but it wasn’t just a dumb hat to her. The hat had been a single that her Grandfather had regularly worn in his life. My kid told him it was her own furnace as well as it meant more to him than anything else she had. My sweet little grandson was still a bit taken aback by the vehemence, but still tried to understand about the hat. He just didn’t understand why it was called it a heater.

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